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Jean-François Levy

International Leadership Operational Coach

Mexico & World

Operational Management

Leadership and Team coach

Top 15 Coachs in Mexico

Multicultural : French, Spanish, English, Portuguese

Engineering EPFL Lausanne

PhD, Imperial College London

Postgraduate, Senior Management, IPADE Mexico

« From Inner Power to Outer Success. »

Mes Prestations

Ma Vision of Coaching

I specialize in coaching leaders who are seeking transformative changes in their lives. I believe in a supportive and growth-oriented approach that encourages clients to take an active role in their own development, fostering responsible and strategic leadership.

My vision

I seek to be a valuable ally in helping my clients achieve their goals. As a responsible and committed professional, I build trust with my clients by taking the time to get to know them. My respectful approach creates a safe environment to explore new possibilities.

My mission and my beliefs

My passion and true-life mission are to share my expertise and inspire individuals and teams to realize their potential and fully exploit their talents. My goal is to guide my clients towards professional and personal fulfillment, while identifying their goals and developing concrete action plans . With a unique blend of extensive operational expertise and executive coaching centered around personal development, I am dedicated to empowering individuals to Tranform Their Vision into Reality.

My Articles

Would you like to find out more? I invite you to read the in-depth articles I publish regularly.

All my articles

Getting to know me better

I enjoy exploring all possibilities and finding creative ways to achieve my goals. I excel at carefully planning the implementation of the solutions I find while demonstrating a deep commitment to the responsibilities at hand.


With international experience in France, England, and Brazil, I have developed expertise in applied research, quality management, and product development. As Chief Operating Officer for my family’s business in Mexico, I led a workforce of 700 employees, implementing process optimization and driving organizational growth through change management.


Since 2015, I leverage my extensive experience in operational management to compliment my work as a certified professional coach (PCC-ICF). This unique blend allows me to offer my clients time tested and actionable insights and hands-on expertise in finding practical solutions. I empower individuals to proactively solve problems, increase self-awareness, and develop authentic self-confidence. By fostering accountability, I help clients unlock their potential and achieve lasting personal and professional growth.


As we envision the future, companies are confronted with myriad new challenges such as managing diversity and inclusion, or upholding social and environmental responsibility. Through a combination of neuroscience-backed strategies and personalized coaching, leaders will gain deeper understanding of their cognitive processes, improve decision-making abilities, and cultivate resilience for success in today’s dynamic business landscape. Together, we create a future where neuroscience-informed leadership drives sustainable success.

Book a session with Jean-François Levy

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– A fast, efficient and confidential process –

Conversation préliminaire

Vous êtes face à un problème ? Vous souhaitez avoir un avis extérieur ou partager vos doutes ?

Réservez une conversation préliminaire

Pack Classique

Vous ressentez le besoin de développer vos soft skills et renforcer votre mindset.
Pack Classique 6 sessions de coaching

Pack Premium

Vous souhaitez apporter plus d’humanité dans votre organisation.
Pack Premium 10 sessions de coaching


Retours d’expérience sur l’accompagnement de Jean-François

My Journey

Born in Mexico to French parents, I have lived in 5 countries and had the opportunity to develop in very diverse personal and professional environments. Being naturally eager to learn and improve, this extensive experience has allowed me to develop a varied set of cross-cultural skills and a unique perspective.

2021 / …

CADRAN, Associate Coach – Mexico & World

International Executive Coaching — Paris, Genève, Kiev, Bruxelles, Mexico

2015 / …

SmartAction, Founder – Mexico

Management consulting and executive coaching

2000 / 2014

Cavalier Fashion Group, Partner and COO – Mexico

Menswear manufacture and sale.

1993 / 2000

Cimento Lafarge, Quality and Product Development Manager – Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro

Building materials

1986 / 1992

Lafarge, Research Engineer – London, Montélimar, Lyon

Building materials