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Témoignage écrit de Frédéric Hannoyer

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Regard sur une expérience d’International Executive Coaching

Témoignage de dirigeant

Frédéric Hannoyer — COO Directeur Général — SiPearl

Frédéric Hannoyer

« I worked with Antoine as my coach for an onboarding experience in a new and very different structure. Antoine helped me succeed to understand the expectations and the culture and adjust my leadership and communication style in the different stages of my onboarding.

He had not only a very good coaching approach creating the questions and the reflexion within myself but he could also bring me insights thanks to his extensive culture in management and psychology, his experiences as a coach of other executives and his own experience as an executive.

I enjoyed our sessions and his personality. »

Version originale à l’onglet recommandation de son profil LinkedIn

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Olivier Wolber
Témoignage écrit de Olivier Wolber

Témoignage écrit de Olivier Wolber

« Antoine has been supporting me as a coach during complex Covid times. 

I am very thankful as Antoine has been a great asset to help me reflect on myself, and to help me crystallize further personal drivers. He has also been a strong thought partner to put things in motion through practical actions.

With a large breadth of experience and great listening skills, Antoine has been able to bring value as early as the first session! »

Secteur Digital

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Frédéric Hannoyer
Témoignage écrit de Frédéric Hannoyer

Témoignage écrit de Frédéric Hannoyer

« I worked with Antoine as my coach for an onboarding experience in a new and very different structure. Antoine helped me succeed to understand the expectations and the culture and adjust my leadership and communication style in the different stages of my onboarding. He had not only a very good coaching approach creating the questions and the reflexion within myself but he could also bring me insights thanks to his extensive culture in management and psychology, his experiences as a coach of other executives and his own experience as an executive.
I enjoyed our sessions and his personality. »

Antoine Leygonie-Fialko


International Executive Coach & Adviser

« Become an inspiring leader »

Antoine Leygonie-Fialko est International Executive Coach & Adviser, spécialisé dans l’accompagnement des dirigeants à l'international vers « une pensée Claire et Calme, Bienveillante et Puissante ».

Polytechnicien, Ingénieur des Ponts, Architecte et Docteur en Philosophie, puis diplômé INSEAD, il est fondateur de la Co-CREATiVE Communication® et de la société CADRAN qui opère mondialement. Auparavant, il a dirigé 7 sociétés, de la start-up au corporate, en France et à l’international (Europe, Eurasie, Afrique), dans diverses industries (bâtiment, internet, RH…).

Aujourd’hui, fort de plus de 3 000 heures d’Executive Coaching sur 5 continents et 40 pays, détenteur du plus haut niveau de certification (ICF MCC « Master Certified Coach ») et plusieurs fois nominé « Top 5 International Executive Coach », il intervient auprès de tout dirigeant qui vise un leadership d'excellence et souhaite développer toute la puissance qui sommeille en lui et ses équipes.

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