with French Excellence A cross-functional approach to individuality for greater humanity within organizations. Cadran has designed a unique methodology, CO-CREATiVE Communication®, an unprecedented synthesis of the latest coaching techniques to help managers lead change. To face up to the 4C challenges of the 21st century, it is essential to take into account the individual dimension of management to create a collective aligned on a common goal. Our Mission Guidance towards “More humanity in organizations”. Our Vision Practice every day what we preach. The continuous development of excellence and of our community of talents enables us to take the human factor into account in organizations tenfold. Our Solution A collective of talents using CO-CREATiVE Communication® to develop the human factor in a sustainable way in corporate relationships and decisions. CO-CREATiVE Communication®
International Executive Coaching
Cadran’s essence
International Executive Coaching
- Cadran accompagne les grands groupes, les filiales, les PME à l'international, les entrepreneurs expatriés -

CO-CREATiVE Communication®
La CO-CREATiVE Communication®, une synthèse inédite des dernières techniques de coaching élaborée par Cadran. Une méthodologie éprouvée pour apporter plus d’humanité dans les organisations.
Reduce stress by intentionally focusing on present experience
Emotional & Relational Intelligence
Recognize, understand and control your own emotions and deal with those of others
Coaching and Co-Development
Collaborate to find new approaches and solutions adapted to the situation
Inspiring Communication
Communicating to stimulate initiatives and rally ideas around a common ambition
– A range of tools for CO-CREATiVE Communication® –
A major asset for strengthening your ‘4C’ soft skills, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration.
7C analysis
Aligning the 7 brains to be an inspiring leader
Thanks to neuroscience, it’s becoming possible to align our various intelligences
7Rs method
Communicating with impact
More powerful than Nonviolent Communication (NVC), the 7Rs method allows you to advance your ideas while defusing conflicts.
ALPHA tool
Freeing oneself from a limiting thought
Stop hesitating or brooding thanks to a martial arts-inspired technique applied to the traps set by our thoughts.
Co-Conference approah
Developing the creativity and critical thinking skills of an assembly
A synthesis of co-development and participative facilitation techniques, this approach develops the collective intelligence of large assemblies.
Co-Réflexion Circles
Develop group creativity and critical thinking skills
Inspired by individual coaching techniques, this circle enables a small group to resolve the most difficult situations.
Thinking in 4C
Think strategically on your own or with your teams
This model of thinking sheds light on situations in their entirety, revealing even the most hidden shadows.
Cadran Talents
Our Top Executive Coaches work with you to bring more humanity to your organizations
Nous Rencontrer
Vous ? Un cadre de votre entreprise ? Une de vos équipes ? Vous devez relever un challenge, prendre ou mettre en oeuvre une décision.
Cadran vous accompagne dès à présent.
- Un process rapide, efficace et confidentiel -
At the heart of ecosystems
Cadran invests in developing a caring ecosystem