The 8 benefits of Meaningful Coaching for the expatriate manager
The international manager has had an exciting career, allowing him to take on positions of responsibility while discovering new countries and new cultures.
The international manager has had an exciting career, allowing him to take on positions of responsibility while discovering new countries and new cultures.
Franck Malochet, CEO South Korea, RCI Financial Services Groupe RENAULT. Arrived in South Korea after several expatriations to manage RCI Renault Crédit International Korea, Franck Malochet tells his career and shares the management lessons he learned from these experiences…
Paul Roussel has been living in Thailand for more than 20 years, where he created FiddAsia, his Wealth Management or Private Management Consulting company. He tells us about his experience…
François-Xavier Moreau has extensive international experience. He passed through Australia, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, Iran… to reach Japan. Today, he reveals to us what each of these countries taught him…
Patrick Font’s international career began in Spain with a short-term mission at AXA which, for 20 years, offered him expatriations in the United States, Italy, Singapore and finally Mexico where he decided to leave AXA. for Zurich Insurance…
Here is a study that confirms the importance of being aligned with yourself, especially on your date of birth. Indeed, knowing how to take advantage of the age you have, without dreaming of having another, is correlated with a good mood.
How to increase your international leadership with coaching ?
Here are the 5 often overlooked benefits of conflict resolution coaching
In concrete terms, here are the 5 benefits of procrastination coaching as offered by Cadran.
Here are the 7 mistakes not to make and the 7 ways to successfully appease and then resolve a conflict.