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Published on: Neuroscience

Un nudge pour vaincre la procrastination

Neuroscience at the service of managers

The keys to successful leadership


« Resolutions are like eels; they’re easy to make. The devil is in keeping them » — Alexandre Dumas


🟣 Neuroscience regularly explores how procrastination works, and how best to overcome resistance to acting. Researchers have identified certain NUDGES (i.e. behavioral tricks) to facilitate acting.

🟣 A recent article shows the impact of the DELAY “to do” on the action itself. It appears that a SHORT DELAY or the ABSENCE of a DELAY are two situations much more favorable to the PASSAGE to ACT than a long delay. In my view, this result opens up fascinating prospects for concrete MANAGEMENT applications.

▶️  See the article : Knowles, S., Servátka, M., Sullivan, T. & Genç, M. (2022) Procrastination and the non-monotonic effect of deadlines on task completion. Economic Inquiry, 60( 2), 706– 720. Available from:

🟣 Another article shows that CHOOSING the RIGHT DAY to START changing habits is likely to play an important role in the success of your resolutions. Indeed, since motivation and energy fluctuate, it’s very effective to start on a day when you have the maximum of both: MOTIVATION and ENERGY. According to these authors, “A good start gives the initial encouragement needed to get to the second day”.

▶️  See the article : Hamilton, I., & Marlow, S. (2020, January 3). The best way to ditch bad habits: what science can teach us. The Conversation.


Making resolutions is good. Keeping them is better. So it’s a good idea to use nudges and other cognitive and behavioral science techniques to maximize the chances of celebrating, at the end of the year, the achievement of the goals you set at the beginning. Just think: maybe today is a good day to start implementing a new behavior!

Antoine Leygonie-Fialko


International Executive Coach & Adviser

« Become an inspiring leader »

Antoine Leygonie-Fialko est International Executive Coach & Adviser, spécialisé dans l’accompagnement des dirigeants à l'international vers « une pensée Claire et Calme, Bienveillante et Puissante ».

Polytechnicien, Ingénieur des Ponts, Architecte et Docteur en Philosophie, puis diplômé INSEAD, il est fondateur de la Co-CREATiVE Communication® et de la société CADRAN qui opère mondialement. Auparavant, il a dirigé 7 sociétés, de la start-up au corporate, en France et à l’international (Europe, Eurasie, Afrique), dans diverses industries (bâtiment, internet, RH…).

Aujourd’hui, fort de plus de 3 000 heures d’Executive Coaching sur 5 continents et 40 pays, détenteur du plus haut niveau de certification (ICF MCC « Master Certified Coach ») et plusieurs fois nominé « Top 5 International Executive Coach », il intervient auprès de tout dirigeant qui vise un leadership d'excellence et souhaite développer toute la puissance qui sommeille en lui et ses équipes.

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