Les challenges du dirigeant à l’international
Les clés d’une réussite de carrière
Comment réussir ma prise de poste à l’étranger ?

« The greatness of a profession is perhaps, above all, to unite men» — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
You finally get the news that you have been selected for the international position you coveted. Now, it’s time to prepare.
Indeed, taking a position abroad can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also quickly turn into a failure. Whether you are being expatriated by a company or looking to work in a new country on your own, it is important to prepare for a successful start in your new role abroad.
By avoiding the 5 most common mistakes and exploring the following 4 paths, you will increase your chances of succeeding in your new role abroad.
The 5 Mistakes to Avoid
Mistake #1: Believing it will be easy
Changing countries is like changing planets. Everything will be much more different than you imagine. For this reason, it is important to mentally prepare to live and work in a new cultural environment. Failing to familiarize yourself with the local culture, traditions, and work norms can make adaptation very difficult.
Mistake #2: Thinking English will be enough
Even though English is widely spoken in the business world, it is always beneficial to learn the local language to better understand the culture and communicate effectively with local colleagues and clients.
Mistake #3: Considering there is only one way to do business and manage internationally
Cultures vary from one country to another, and it is important to respect local norms and traditions. Failing to adapt can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.
Mistake #4: Being too confident
Starting a role abroad can be challenging, and it is important not to be afraid to ask for help if needed, especially from a coach. Not asking for help can lead to costly mistakes and very poor professional performance.
Mistake #5: Neglecting help
Starting a role abroad can be challenging, and it is important not to be afraid to ask for help if needed, especially from a coach. Not asking for help can lead to costly mistakes and very poor professional performance.
How to Empower Yourself for Success
Suggestion #1: Define a strategy
Defining a strategy is often the first step in a successful job start. You know your strengths. It’s time to examine your weaknesses and blind spots. These are what can endanger you during your job start. Now, you need to work on them. Then, after identifying the points to work on, you need to define a strategy and plan its implementation. Your real enemy is the weight of habits and the “first I have to…” that fill your schedule. Defining a strategy gives you time to work on your blind spots and implement tactics to reach your next position.
Suggestion #2: Prepare the first impression
Your teams and peers will have a first impression of you that will then be very difficult to change. It is therefore crucial to prepare the first impression you give, in advance of the announcement of your appointment. In particular, it will be very beneficial for you to update your LinkedIn profile and practice your arrival pitch.
Suggestion #3: Hold on during the first 90-day sprint
Your first three months will likely be very intense. You will have a lot to learn in a short time. You will also have to establish the seeds of a trusting relationship. At this stage, your challenge is to be attentive to all the weak signals that your environment sends you.
Suggestion #4: Quickly switch from sprint mode to marathon mode
You will not be able to last long in sprint mode. Your body will give up or your performance will decrease. To last over the long term, it is crucial to switch from sprint mode to marathon mode. In this mode, you can settle in for the long term and focus your energy on strategic issues at your level.
Find out more about our services
Cadran offers dedicated support to managers who want to succeed in their new position.
Our services
- Individual Coaching:
- « Leadership Coaching » — to develop the softskills of the international executive of excellence
- « Onboarding Coaching » — to make it easier to take up a new position
- « Meaning Coaching » — to restore your energy
- Collective Coaching:
- « Vision Coaching » — to realign teams around a common goal
- « Conflicty resolution Coaching » — for conflict resolution
- «Manager Coach Trainingx » — to complete the management style
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- How to develop international leadership?
- How can you align your teams around a shared vision?
- How to get out of loneliness when you are an international leader?
Our Articles about « Coaching »
International Executive Coach & Adviser « Become an inspiring leader » Antoine Leygonie-Fialko est International Executive Coach & Adviser, spécialisé dans l’accompagnement des dirigeants à l'international vers « une pensée Claire et Calme, Bienveillante et Puissante ». Polytechnicien, Ingénieur des Ponts, Architecte et Docteur en Philosophie, puis diplômé INSEAD, il est fondateur de la Co-CREATiVE Communication® et de la société CADRAN qui opère mondialement. Auparavant, il a dirigé 7 sociétés, de la start-up au corporate, en France et à l’international (Europe, Eurasie, Afrique), dans diverses industries (bâtiment, internet, RH…). Aujourd’hui, fort de plus de 3 000 heures d’Executive Coaching sur 5 continents et 40 pays, détenteur du plus haut niveau de certification (ICF MCC « Master Certified Coach ») et plusieurs fois nominé « Top 5 International Executive Coach », il intervient auprès de tout dirigeant qui vise un leadership d'excellence et souhaite développer toute la puissance qui sommeille en lui et ses équipes.ANTOINE LEYGONIE-FIALKO