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The 5 benefits of solidarity coaching

The 5 benefits of solidarity coaching

You are heaven. Everything else is the weather.” —Pema Chödrön

Internationally, the loneliness of the leader is amplified by geographical and cultural distance. Indeed, the remoteness of the head office and the expatriation in another cultural universe add to the relational distance and make the loneliness of the leader more intense.

In this situation of great loneliness, the leader must nevertheless make difficult decisions, without having interlocutors with whom to exchange in transparency and in confidence. In addition, in certain situations, it is not possible to be completely transparent with your teams or with your peers. The leader is then alone with himself to make the final decision.

In these difficult times, the leader may have the feeling of ruminating on his thoughts, of being trapped in looped reasoning, of feeling his motivation drop.

What to do to get out of this spiral? How to get out of the loneliness of the leader?

After offering PRO BONO coaching sessions to 50+ executives in 2020, Cadran’s team of International Executive Coaches is renewing its PRO BONO commitment in 2022, and again offering “Solidarity Coaching” sessions.

▶️  Benefit from our PRO BONO “Solidarity Coaching 2022” program for any international manager impacted by the Covid.

You feel the loneliness of the manager abroad, and you are still hesitating to benefit from our Solidarity offer, so here are the 5 benefits of solidarity coaching as offered by Cadran en PRO BONO.

Benefit n°1: Getting out of the impasse and moving forward

The first benefit of solidarity coaching is to allow you to get out of the impasse of your current situation and move forward. Prolonging your loneliness is of little interest. You may think that you will go through this phase as you went through the previous ones. But you will also lose energy, time and motivation. Above all, you will always have recurring thoughts and doubts within you that will harass you. Whereas if you quickly get out of your loneliness, your situation will seem like ancient history and you will be able to dedicate yourself completely to the projects that are important to you and regain your energy and motivation.

Benefit n°2: Clarify my expectations

The second benefit of solidarity coaching is to see more clearly about your situation and the means available to change it. Often, the loneliness of the leader is synonymous with growing confusion. The thoughts keep coming back. Demotivation and a feeling of confusion set in. The exchange with an Executive Coach allows you to see the situation with a fresh eye and to highlight your deepest expectations.

Benefit n°3: Build a future that suits me

The third benefit of solidarity coaching is to establish an action plan to build the future that suits you. It may be a matter of making a decision to get out of a hesitation. It can also be about specifying the future that would suit you. Finally, more deeply, it can be about giving yourself the means to regain your motivation.

Benefit n°4: Enjoy quality time

The fourth benefit of solidarity coaching is to take advantage of a moment of exchange with an International Executive Coach, in total confidentiality, in total listening and in full respect of your person. This type of “out of time” moment is both rare and very precious because it allows you to take a step back to recharge your batteries and find your center.

Benefit n°5: Regain serenity

The fifth benefit of solidarity coaching is to feel that it is possible to regain joy, motivation and above all serenity. Thanks to the perspective and active listening, both experienced, empathetic and benevolent, of the Executive Coach, you will find a moment of inner peace which will be the foundation of your new energy.

Learn more about our support

Cadran offers PRO BONO support dedicated to international leaders who want to get out of the loneliness of the leader and develop their decision-making or conflict resolution skills, their Manager-Coach posture and their multicultural leadership.

Our Solidarity offers:

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Antoine Leygonie-Fialko


International Executive Coach and Consultant

Antoine Leygonie-Fialko is an International Executive Coach, ICF certified at PCC level, specializing in supporting international leaders "Towards CLEAR, CALM, CARING and POWERFUL thinking".

He is the founder of the CO-CREATiVE Communication® and the company CADRAN which operates globally. Previously, he managed 7 companies, from start-ups to corporate, in France and internationally (Europe, Asia, America, Africa), in various industries (construction, architecture, internet, HR…).

Today, with more than 2,000 hours of Executive Coaching, he works remotely with international leaders and their teams who want to unleash the power within their singularity in front of strong challenges requiring them to get out of their comfort zone & known mental frameworks.

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