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The 6 benefits of the Manager-Coach posture

The 6 benefits of the Manager-Coach posture

“One closes the eyes of the dead gently; it is also with gentleness that one must open the eyes of the living” — Jean Cocteau (Le Coq et l’Arlequin)

Many international leaders say they are dragged down by their international teams. Cultural differences at work crossed with local management styles complicate the Leader’s challenge.

Often the expatriate manager has the feeling of having to control everything and wasting a lot of time doing micro-management.

However, all employees in the world are individuals capable of responsibility and initiative. Outside of work, they are very independent. They often take on family responsibilities, commitments with loved ones. They organize complex events, they face unforeseen events that they manage to manage. They are proactive and creative. In short, they are everything you would like them to be at work.

Generally, it is therefore not a question of capacity which would be limited in the employee, but rather a question of context and managerial posture in your company which is not adapted to the local situation.

What can you do to get out of this situation and DEVELOP the AUTONOMY of your TEAMS?

The good news is that REVEALING the POTENTIAL of your EMPLOYEES depends above all on you. The bad news is that it’s not that easy. This requires EMOTIONAL COURAGE on your part to reap all the benefits of a MANAGER-COACH posture.

Among its many benefits, here are the 6 main benefits of the Manager-Coach posture for the manager abroad, from the study published by Human Capital Industry (1).

Benefit n°1: Develop the Leadership of certain members of your teams more quickly

By adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you will facilitate the development of your employees’ potential. Some will reveal their creative talent and their power of innovation. Others will surprise you with their ability to analyze facts and the power of their critical thinking. Still others will reveal their communication skills to you. And finally, some will surprise you with their ability to facilitate collaboration between all. You will discover that your teams have the 4 key skills necessary to face the challenges of the 21st century (2): the famous 4Cs – Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration. Among your collaborators, you will find the pool of Leaders you will need to develop your entity. In the end, according to the HCI study (1), by adopting a Manager-Coach posture you can accelerate the Leadership of certain members of your teams by 36%!

Benefit n°2: Improve relations between employees

By adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you will also contribute to creating an atmosphere of trust within your team. Everyone will be able to feel more and more free to express what they feel. In the end, according to the HCI study, by adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you can improve relations between employees by 45%!

Benefit n°3: Increase the efficiency of your teams

By adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you will help to streamline communication between the members of your team. The culture of silence and secrecy will give way to a culture of information sharing. Feedback will be transparent. Errors will be exposed freely. This will make it easier for everyone to implement corrective and preventive measures. In the end, according to the HCI study, by adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you can increase the efficiency of your teams by 51%!

Benefit n°4: Increase the involvement and commitment of your employees

By adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you will also contribute to the motivation of your teams. Indeed, your position as Manager-Coach shows your employees your wisdom and your benevolence. It erases the image of the Manager-Directive who gives orders, who punishes, who micro-manages. Your new posture will be inspiring and employees will no longer work for their salary, they will mainly work for you as a person. In the end, according to the HCI study, by adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you can increase the involvement and commitment of your employees by 56%!

Benefit n°5: Improve the general functioning of the team

Finally, by adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you will contribute to improving the general functioning of your team. By combining the 4 positive effects seen above — by allowing everyone’s talents to be expressed, by improving interpersonal relations, by increasing efficiency (and often the associated bonuses) and by boosting team commitment — you will play on all tables. In the end, according to the HCI study, by adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you can improve the general functioning of the team by 57%!

Benefit n°6: Growing yourself

Finally, by adopting a Manager-Coach posture, you will derive an incomparable personal benefit. By helping your employees grow, you will grow yourself.

Not only will you know how to delegate better, without being haunted by the need for control, but you will also stop micro-managing to devote yourself fully to the strategic thinking and decision-making that corresponds to your position as a leader at the international. You will finally be fully in your role as an international leader.


  1. Human Capital Industry et International Coach Federation, 2016—
  2. P21 – partnership for 21st century learning —

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Antoine Leygonie-Fialko


International Executive Coach and Consultant

Antoine Leygonie-Fialko is an International Executive Coach, ICF certified at PCC level, specializing in supporting international leaders "Towards CLEAR, CALM, CARING and POWERFUL thinking".

He is the founder of the CO-CREATiVE Communication® and the company CADRAN which operates globally. Previously, he managed 7 companies, from start-ups to corporate, in France and internationally (Europe, Asia, America, Africa), in various industries (construction, architecture, internet, HR…).

Today, with more than 2,000 hours of Executive Coaching, he works remotely with international leaders and their teams who want to unleash the power within their singularity in front of strong challenges requiring them to get out of their comfort zone & known mental frameworks.

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